RFID stands for Radio-Frequency IDentification.
The acronym refers to small electronic devices that consist of a small chip and an antenna. The chip typically is capable of carrying 2,000 bytes of data or less.
RFID-based warehouse management brings several benefits that can eliminate current drawbacks with the help of advanced scanning that improves supply-chain visibility and agility for greater operational efficiency.
Capabilities include:
- Improved efficiency by using RF tags that facilitate automatic data entry rather than manually making entries of stock first on paper and then into computer terminals. This eliminates the time required for data entry, sending paper order to the warehouse and filling and maintaining the paperwork.
- Wireless warehouse can provide timely information and integration of warehouse data into the ERP system. Integration of warehouse information and ERP system
- Ensures timely and accurate information for invoicing, purchase order payments and inventory tracking.
- Reduces inventory errors, ensuring that the inventory reported is indeed available. By tracking pieces more exactly, companies can more accurately detail what has sold in the last business day, and improve the accuracy of their forecasts about what inventory is actually needed.
- Strengthen security against product theft, loss and counterfeiting