Colour Coding Labels
1. Colour coding should be used as an aid to help identify the files on shelves.
2. Keep colour coding simple it is an extra, in addition to an existing name label.
3. Too much colour will hinder not help.
4. Always be consistent
5. Contact Randex for advice on the best system for you.
Factory Finished Labels
Randex produce a variety of factory finished labels, in a range of sizes. The most popular labels are 4-inch and 8-inch Convert-A-Labels and Convert-A-Tabs.
All of the factory finished labels produced by Randex have an adhesive that bonds stronger with age, which makes it easy to apply to new and existing folders. Factory finished labels are also over-laminated which makes them more durable and virtually tear-proof. The laminate also makes them more resistant to the effects of light, air, moisture and daily wear and tear.
Computer Generated Labels
Computer generated colour coding is a one piece strip produced by a simple software system replacing the need for individual labels to be applied to a folder.
Computer Generated Colour Coding
Colour Coding makes file recognition easier increasing the speed of retrieval and replacement of files into a filing system
LabelsAnywhere is a web based system allowing you to effectively print colour coded labels, for your files, at your desk. Another breakthrough filing solution available from Randex